YouDesign Set „Wedding“ - extension for YouDesign apps

YouDesign Set "Wedding"

This is where you find everything you need for individually designed wedding gifts. Create a wedding countdown calendar for the days leading up to the big event. You can always remember the special celebration with a wedding photo book. Show important moments in the couple's life from their first meeting right up to their engagement. Decorate your creations with rings, ribbons, a wedding cake and festive champagne glasses.

Included features

  • 2 backgrounds
  • 44 decorations - e.g. white pigeons, wedding rings, bridal shoes and various hearts
  • A book template for YouDesign Photo Book
  • A calendar template for YouDesign Calendar

Wedding book for the most beautiful day of your life

A wedding photo book can be a nice memory for yourself or a wonderful wedding gift for your guests. Afterwards you can enjoy the most emotional moments for years to come. But there is more than just the actual wedding ceremony: in a wedding book you can tell a number of stories about the lovers. Particularly touching and often funny is the history of the couple's getting to know each other and the times before the wedding. Has the couple known each other since childhood? Design a retrospective for the "golden" years of the anniversary. A wedding photo book is the perfect gift for this occasion.

Wedding countdown calendar

The wedding is getting closer and closer: create an individual wedding calendar. The excitement is even greater than before Christmas - look forward to every passing day. With a photo calendar you can enjoy the last 30 days until the wedding together as a couple. You can easily integrate important milestones in the preparation via date lists. Add the bride and groom's most precious moments together to a calendar and decorate the pictures with the graphics from this YouDesign Set.

And this is how it works:

Buy YouDesign Set

Step 1: Purchase YouDesign Set.

Step 2: Launch the most recent version of your YouDesign software.

Use the new elements

Step 3: Use the new elements and templates.

Software for your photo books

With AquaSoft YouDesign Photo Book and YouDesign Sets you can quickly and easily create professional looking photo books for yourself or as a present.

Software for your photo calendars

Use the YouDesign Sets together with AquaSoft YouDesign Calendar or Calendar Pro to create your own personal photo calendar.

Frequently asked questions

A YouDesign Set contains various additional elements that can be used in your YouDesign software after purchase. All components of a YouDesign Set are are based on a common theme or visual style. Once you have purchased a YouDesign Set, you can use it as often as you want. Weiterhin können die Inhalte verschiedener Sets auch gleichzeitig in einem Kalender oder Fotobuch verwendet werden.

Dieses Set ist kompatibel mit AquaSoft YouDesign-Programmen ab Version 5.

A YouDesign Set is not installed manually. It is automatically linked to your customer account after purchase. Sofern Sie mit dem Internet verbunden sind, erkennt Ihr Programm automatisch, dass Sie ein YouDesign Set gekauft haben und stellt es für Sie im Programm bereit.

When you are buying the extension package make sure to enter the same e-mail address you have used when you have bought or registered AquaSoft Vision, Stages or SlideShow. Diese muss mit der E-Mail-Adresse übereinstimmen, die Sie auch beim Kauf bzw. der Registrierung von YouDesign Calendar oder Photo Book angegeben haben. Haben Sie unterschiedliche E-Mail-Adressen verwendet, so kann die Verknüpfung nicht erstellt werden und die YouDesign Sets werden im Programm nicht angezeigt. In einem solchen Fall kontaktieren Sie bitte unser Support-Team, so dass die YouDesign Sets in Ihr bestehendes Kundenkonto übernommen werden können.

Die Designelemente sind maßgeschneidert für die zugehörigen Programme. Die YouDesign Sets enthalten Features, die nur in den jeweiligen Programmen funktionieren können. Daher funktioniert dieses Set ausschließlich für AquaSoft YouDesign-Programme ab Version 5.