Extension package
from Vision / Stages 13
Live visual audio analysis and volume control
Extension package „Audio+“ - for Photo Vision, Video Vision and Stages
With the Audio+ extension package, you fine-tune Photo Vision, Video Vision and Stages when it comes to sound. Keep track of volume levels and audio spectrum during project creation right from the program window, and easily balance sound objects, background music, and spoken commentary.
Show your sounds in a visually impressive form for your audience. The Spectrum Live effect automatically animates the soundscape during playback in the player or for (music) videos in sync with the audio.
Included features

- Spectrum Live effect for live visualization in front of any backgrounds, on photos and videos
- 25 ready-made sound widgets in different colors and shapes
- Volume display can be switched on in the Layout designer
- Audio+ workspace - dedicated workspace directly selectable from the toolbar
- Optional switchable program window with live analysis of volume level, spectrum (linear), spectrum (logarithmic) and spectrogram
- Coming soon: Control effects and particles using audio (only in Stages)
Sound control + exciting audio visuals
Audio+ expands both your program interface and the possibilities in designing your video and photo projects.
- Activate the volume display in the Layout designer. It helps you identify sounds in the project that are too quiet or overmodulated.
- Use the special Audio+ workspace or create the program interface tailored to your needs. Activate the spectrum and level analysis window via Panels > Volume level. The window can be docked into the interface and saved in its own workspace views (only in Video Vision and Stages).
- Include one or more sound widgets in your project and use them to visualize the overall sound as a live overlay. Use the Spectrum Live effect to create your own sound visualizations and save them as your own templates to be reused whenever you want (only in Video Vision and Stages).

And this is how it works:

Step 1: Buy the extension package.

Step 2: Start Photo Vision, Video Vision or Stages - from version 13.

Step 3: Use the new elements and templates for your videos and presentations.
The perfect solution for creating videos and presentations
To use an extension package, you need the latest version of Photo Vision, Video Vision or Stages.
Frequently asked questions
An extension package contains various additional elements that can be used in your software after purchase. All elements that belong to an extension package fit together visually. If you bought an extension package once, you will always be able to use it. You can also combine elements from different extension packages.
This extension is compatible with AquaSoft Photo Vision, Video Vision und Stages from version 13.
You don't need to install the extension manually. It is automatically linked to your customer account after purchase.
When you are buying the extension package make sure to enter the same e-mail address you have used when you have bought or registered AquaSoft Vision, Stages or SlideShow. This must match the email address you used when you purchased or registered Photo Vision, Video Vision, or Stages. If you use different e-mail adresses, the extension package will not know to wich software it should connect. Please contact our Support-Team, we can help you to connect your software with the extension.
The design elements are customized for the associated applications. The extensions contain effects and features that can only work in the corresponding programs. Therefore, this extension package works exclusively for AquaSoft Photo Vision, Video Vision and Stages from version 13.