Light Leaks Overlay

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Light Leaks Overlay

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Light Leaks Overlay

Light Leaks Overlay

Use this effect to add lighting effects to photos, videos and backgrounds. This allows you to emphasize or add special lighting moods to the image. The light spots flit over the content of the effect in a random pattern.

You can find the Light Leaks overlay effect in the Toolbox under the Objects tab  in the Live Effects area.

1 Insert the Light Leaks Overlay  VIDEO VISION   STAGES 

Insert Light Leaks Overlay

Insert Light Leaks Overlay

To use the effect, you can  drag it directly onto an image in the Timeline.

You can also drag the effect to the Timeline and later insert one or more images into the effect.

After you insert the image, a colored frame with the title of the effect appears around the small preview image in the Timeline. When you click the colored frame, you can specify the settings for the effect in the Properties area.

2 Specifying the effect settings

Settings for Light Leaks Overlay

Settings for Light Leaks Overlay

In the Properties area  you can now define the settings of the effect.

Use Strength to select how strongly the light effects overlay the image.
You can change the appearance of the light spots with the Hardness: a low hardness ensures soft spots, a high hardness ensures stronger contours.You can change the appearance of the light spots with the hardness: a low hardness ensures soft spots, a high hardness ensures stronger contours.
You can use the Color selector to change the color of the light spots and make them particularly suitable or particularly contrasting to your motifs.

How often the light spots appear during the display duration of the effect is determined by the setting of the Minimum distance between the fluctuations. The greater the minimum distance, the less frequently a light reflection appears.

 STAGES  To make the effect appear after an irregular time pattern, you can animate the minimum distance with a curve.

Original image without effect

Original image without effect

Image with light leaks overlay

Image with Light Leaks Overlay