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In Stages you will find a modular system for backgrounds, content, effects, logos and texts under Smarties. Different content can be used depending on the type of Smarties.

The existing settings and effects on a Smartie can be changed via a selection list without having to make any further changes in the Timeline.
This makes it possible, for example, to try out different effects for the images and videos you already have in the Timeline - without always having to drag the new effect into the Timeline to test it and then remove it again. Instead, you can use the Effect Smartie and change its properties from color effect to LUT effect, color reduction or gradient mapping or back to the preferred variant.

1 Using Smarties

Smarties in the Toolbox

Smarties in the Toolbox

To use one of the Smarties, you can drag it directly into the Timeline.

If you click on the colored frame of the Smartie object in the Timeline, you can define the settings for the Smartie in the Properties area.

The Smarties have different functions. Depending on the type, the Smarties are used solo or in post-processing, other Smarties are filled with content.

The following Smarties are available to choose from:


This "Super-Smartie" can be filled with any object (e.g. photo, video, shape, text, background, layout).
In the Smartie properties, you can then select options for a background, a logo and for effects, which largely correspond to the individual Smarties.


Use the Smartie as a background.
An image, a dynamic background, a spectrum, a noise, a color gradient, fractals, a color or a stripe pattern can be selected as the background in the Properties.


Fill the content smartie with a photo or video.
The placement and size is defined via the properties of Smarties. The content can be additionally equipped with a live effect, a mask or a movement (as well as combinations of these).


The effect smartie works on objects above it in the Timeline.
As an effect, 19 different live effects or a particle overlay can be selected.


Use the Smartie to place a static or animated logo in the project.
Select a logo from a gallery or insert your own image.


Fill the text smartie with one or more text objects.
The settings of the textSmarties determine how the text object is displayed and animated.

2 Customize properties

Background Smartie properties

Properties of the "Background"-Smartie

The possible settings differ for each Smartie. The properties can also change depending on which option is selected within Smarties.

The adjacent graphic shows the properties for the background smartie.

The first step is to select which effect or object is to be used as the background.
The background smartie is preset with Noise. You can also see the settings for the noise effect.
Instead of noise, the background can also be created using a different effect.

Selection of backgrounds

Selection of backgrounds

Click on Background selection button or on the small black triangle to open the selection.

Instead of noise, you can now select a color gradient, a color, a static background image or a dynamic live background.

It is therefore possible to swap/change a background - for example, to try out different variants in your project - directly in the "Background"-Smartie.

A preferred setting from a Smartie can be saved as a mini-template if required.


The Smarties, as a kind of "small intelligent templates", were originally developed for the AquaSoft Transcriptor in order to be able to customize the transcription results. The availability of Smarties in Stages ensures optimum compatibility with AquaSoft Transcriptor, which also allows subsequent revision of transcription projects. On the other hand, Smarties can also be used independently to quickly switch between setting variants.