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Properties for image object

Properties for image object

In the Properties window of the Image object, you can make the following settings on the Image tab:

Name: Displays the location and file name of your image.


Rotates the image counterclockwise.

Zentrierter Text

Rotates the image clockwise.


Calls up the integrated image processing.

Fade in: A fade in and fade out can be assigned to the image. You can change the duration directly by specifying the time. The fade can be configured individually via Customize.

Fade to Background Color: If a fade is used, the background color of the image will be faded out if the background is set to Fill: On.

Fill background:
- On = Background will be filled in color if the image does not fill the full display. The Background color can be  selected under Fill color.
- Off = Background is not filled and the previous object is visible further behindthe image. If you want to achieve a picture-in-picture effect, activate this option.
- Automatic = The program automatically sets to On for images/videos/flexi collages in the first track . If you move an object to the second or lower track, it will be  set to Off. This allows you to create picture-in-picture effects more quickly. If you prefer a fixed value, you can  set this  yourself with the On and Off options.

Aspect ratio: The aspect ratio describes the relationship between the height and width of the image. If an image deviates from the set aspect ratio of the project, you can decide here how the image should be displayed.
- Keep = The aspect ratio of the image is kept. If the aspect ratio of the image and the project do not match, edges will appear on the images.
- Crop = The image is cropped to fit the aspect ratio of the project.
- Stretch = The image is stretched or compressed to fit the aspect ratio of the project.
- Center faces = Faces are taken into account when cropping (face detection) and, if possible, are centered and not cropped.

Alignment: Determines the position of the image on the screen.

Rotate in motion direction: If you  give the image a motion path, after activating this option the image will automatically rotate to match the motion path.  See the chapter "Motion paths with rotations" for more information.

Sound (commentary on the picture)

Adding or recording sound for an image

Adding or recording sound for an image

If the image is associated with a sound or you want to add a sound, you can specify the settings here.

FolderOpen sound file and assign to the image

PlayPlays the associated audio file.

BinRemoves the file name (does not delete the file itself)

Btn_RecordSoundOpens the Sound Wizard, which allows you to record your own comments to the image.

Duration: By clicking on Duration, you can adjust the display duration of the image to the duration of the sound.

Volume: Determines the playback volume of the sound.

Maximize volume: The volume of the stored sound is increased until the loudest part corresponds to 100%.

Fade background music: You can determine whether, while the sound is playing, the background music volume should be faded down/down. This can prevent spoken commentary from being drowned out by the background music.

Start position: If you do not want the stored sound to be played from the beginning, you can "trim" it by entering a value at the beginning.

Continue shortened sound after set duration: With this option, the image can have a shorter duration than the sound. The sound will continue to play over the coming frames until it is finished.

Fade shortened sound after set duration - Even if the sound duration is longer than the image duration, the sound will be faded out together with the image.

Text (Image caption)

The properties of text are described in the chapter "Object properties: Text".


Changing the Opacity is described in the Animated transparency / opacity chapter.