Adding and removing pages

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Adding and removing pages

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Adding or duplicating pages

During the photo book creation you can add additional single or double pages to your project. You can do this using the icons on the left side of the Page overview.


Inserts a new double page after the selected page.


Inserts a new single page after the selected page.


Duplicates the selected page and inserts it after the selected page. In the next step, the number of copies can be entered.


Removes the selected page.

Alternatively, right-click on a page in the Page overview. The context menu offers you the options Cut, Copy, Paste before this page, Paste after this page.

Set number of new pages when duplicating

Set number of new pages when duplicating

To apply a self-designed page design to additional book pages, select the page to be duplicated in the Page editor and click the Duplicate icon. Enter the number of copies.

For colored templates, the number of pages can also be increased at the menu item Project at "Contents". With "Empty, ..." templates, all existing (and possibly already designed) pages are then newly created and overwritten empty.

Removing pages

To remove a page from your project
- select the page you want to remove in the Page overview and click the trash can icon
- right-click the page to be removed in the Page overview and select Delete in the context menu

Changing the page order

If a page is to be moved to a different position in the page order, use the mouse to drag the page to the desired position in the Page overview. A vertical line marks the insertion position.

Alternatively, you can right-click the page you want to move in the Page overview and select Cut.
Then right-click the page after which you want to paste the cut page and select Paste after this page.