Automatic and manual course mixed

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Automatic and manual course mixed

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With AquaSoft Stages it is likewise possible to continue parts of the presentation manually and let other parts play back automatically. You can alter this as you please.

In the Toolbox you will find two objects for this purpose:


These two objects make it possible to switch between continuing the presentation manually and letting it run automatically. By double-clicking or by drag-and-drop you can insert the objects into your project.

If you, for example, insert the Pause object behind the 3rd image, the presentation will stop before the 4th image and wait for you to continue using the keyboard or mouse.

The manual replay can be interrupted again with a Play object. For that purpose, insert the Play object at the point where the automatic course is desired.

Artificial pause:

You can also insert a Play object directly behind a Pause object. Thus, the show will be stopped at the image before the Pause object and, as soon as you continue, the presentation continues to run automatically.

You can also use the Space bar to pause the presentation during replay. When you hit the Space bar again the presentation continues.


If you export your project as a video DVD, this function of the two objects is lost. To pause a video DVD, you have to use the pause key on the remote control.