Archiving a project

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Archiving a project

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When creating an extensive and striking presentation, you often put in a lot of time, work and effort. It is irritating to lose this work.
If you want to back up all of the data (images, music, videos) which belong to your project in one place, you can use the Archive Wizard.


Sometimes it happens, when you are opening old projects that the images are no longer displayed.
It is important to know that the software does not store the data directly. So a duplicate back up and, as a consequence, an unnecessary use of memory is to be avoided.
It is always the reference which is saved to the place from which the data is inserted. Should this location be changed or should the file be (even slightly) renamed, it can no longer be accessed by the program.
It often happens that files on your computer are moved or renamed without thinking about the DiaShow project which is only aware of the the original path. The resulting problem of non-displayed images is therefore not a fault of the software.
In the chapter "Retrieve your files" you will learn how you can retrieve your files.

The Wizard relating to archiving, protecting and passing projects on shows you how to burn the entire project and all its data onto CD / DVD, to export to an external drive or save as a ZIP file.

Even if you do not plan to save the project externally, archiving is useful. Because you can be sure that all the data used are really together in one place. An archived project contains only relative file paths and can be moved anywhere on your PC, without running the risk that images will not be found.

Read the chapter "PC presentation”  on how you archive a project with the help of the Wizard.