Additional video formats

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With AquaSoft ® SlideShow Premium and AquaSoft ® SlideShow Ultimate you can convert your shows into further video formats.

For that purpose, select the User-defined video option in the Video Wizard. In the dialog you can now select additional formats under Video format.

Check in advance with which codec videos have to be created, so that your DVD player plays them back (Operating Instructions). Then check whether this codec is installed on your PC. If not, you have to install the codec.




AVI is a widely used video format and will be played by newer DVD players.

Set the desired resolution and under Compression, you select the appropriate codec.

Please check first which codec has to be used for the creation of these AVI-videos so that your DVD-player will be able to play them (Operating instructions). Check to see if this codec is installed on your system. If not, you must install the codec. AquaSoft ® SlideShow doesn't provide any codecs.

In our FAQ you can find further informationen.



Please note that an AVI video should not be larger than 2 GB. Most players will not play a large AVI movie.

Not every codec supports all resolutions.



This format is only available in AquaSoft ® SlideShow Ultimate.

For the creation of a video in WMV format, you should install a recent version of Windows Media Player.

Using the WMV format, you can use a very high resolution for the video. The finished video can be played with Windows Media Player. Currently, only a few DVD players support this format.


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