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To install AquaSoft ® SlideShow we suggest at least the following system setup. More resources will lead to higher quality playback:


CPU - 2 GHz, Multicore processor recommended
Graphics board - DirectX 9c (must support shader model 2)
Harddrive - 150 MB (burning (S)Video-CDs may need space up to 1,2 GB for a short time, burning Video-DVDs may take up to 10 GB temporarily)
CD/DVD/BD-burner - (optional)

Operating system

Windows XP Home and Professional, Vista, Windows 7, WIndows 8. 32bit as well as 64bit systems are supported.

not supported are the operating systems:
DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, Unix, Linux, Apple Macintosh, Novell, etc.


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