AquaSoft ® WebShow

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AquaSoft ® WebShow - Waltzing from a photo to a website



While the Vienna Waltz uses three steps converts the program AquaSoft ® WebShow your photos into a ready-to-go website. That's right! In just  three steps a complete website is created including picture frames, background, thumbnail navigation and, if you wish, transition effects.


And these are the three easy steps:


adding images
selecting a template
launch the website


Whether for family or for presentations in the company, for you it is important to embed your photos and pictures into a pleasing Internet site with just a few clicks. From the abundance of web templates you can create a professional web project with overview page (thumbnails), navigation buttons and comments.


And those who want can dance the foxtrot. Then there is a fourth step available for setting the page properties where all possible configuration can be made. E.g. you choose a picture frame, a certain background color, a button style - even whole themes are available. Due to the powerful, XML-based scripting language of the templates you can create your very own templates, as well. There are virtually no limits: you can use everything that is supported bei HTML, PHP, ASP, Javascript etc. Again, you can but you don't have to. Because AquaSoft ® WebShow has almost everything prepared for you.


More information on the Internet:



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