Monthly Archive: July 2015


Google video archive of your life?

    What if you could do a google search on memories or places you’d been and then watch a video playback of your experiences? Sound like something out of a sci-fi movie? Well, it could very well be the reality in the not too distant future. Google recently acquired...


Inspiration: New images of old memories

Dear photographs are the ultimate in nostalgic photography, and a great way to refresh and display old photographs. Essentially it is taking pictures of pictures, or rather taking a photo of an old photo where it was photographed. Taylor Jones, the man who first came up with the idea was...


Quick Tip: How to add effects and filters to images

With Facebook and Instagram the competition is high for creating amazing photos to share. But with Slideshow 9 you can easily add effects and filters to images to create the perfect shot. Whether you want to show off the sunset, add life to your food photos, or just spice up some oldies...


Top 6 Photo worthy European destinations

Whether you normally book all inclusive vacations or go the budget travel route, these 6 photo worthy destinations will inspire your inner shutterbug.   Rome Italy Historical monuments and 5 star hotels live in harmony, in Rome. And around every street corner is a statue or fountain just waiting to...